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In this sound design tutorial, our Reason instructor Caiti VerBrugge goes over how to achieve big-sounding future bass chords in a drop.
First, she shows you how to make the sound in Reason’s iconic Thor Polysonic Synthesizer. The basis of the sound is fairly simple - detuned sawtooth and square waves.
Next, she shows you how she builds her chords using Reason’s Scales & Chords player device. Using 7th chords can really help strengthen a chord progression, and Scales & Chords makes this easy regardless of your music theory knowledge.
Last but not least, she goes over which parameters she automates to make the chords more interesting. Aside from your classic low-pass and high-pass filter sweeps, Caiti also automates the Alligator Triple Filtered Gate effect to add extra movement to the chords.